Ships, Swindlers, and Scalded Hogs
Ships, Swindlers, and Scalded Hogs

Ships, Swindlers, and Scalded Hogs

Regular price $21.95 Sale

Ships, Swindlers, and Scalded Hogs: The Rise and Fall of the Crooker Shipyard in Bath, ME Brothers William Donnell Crooker and Charles Crooker were among the most prominent shipbuilders in Bath Maine. This colorful history of the Crookers' company by the great-great grandson of William Donnell, provides a thorough overview of a family, its contributions to shipbuilding, as well as a fascinating glimpse into everyday life in Maine during the mid-nineteenth-century. Bath Iron Works, now occupies land that was once the Crooker yard.  Paperback- 272 pages. Autographed copy.